Betting on digital keys

OBOS has invested in technology outfit Unloc, launching an ambitious program to install their digital keys in at least 100 housing cooperatives.

Published 28. November 2019
Unloc obos

Daniel Kjørberg Siraj, CEO of OBOS, and Kris Riise, CEO of Unloc hope to make digital keys a staple of Norwegian housing cooperatives. (Foto: Kaia Rose Traub Wulff/ Unloc).

First, housing cooperatives in Oslo will be able to participate in the program. Later, the plan is to offer digital keys to every home provider in the OBOS system.

"OBOS is constantly at work to understand how technology can provide real and lasting value for our customers. New technology leads to great opportunities and simpler, better services in fields like logistics, energy consumption, health and welfare", says CEO in OBOS, Daniel Kjørberg Siraj.

The project is in line with OBOS' strategy to offer attractive solutions to housing companies and tenants. Digital keys will lighten the burden of tenants and board members in terms of key handling and access.

"We've found a terrific partner in Unloc. Together, we will unlock the best solutions on the market for keys", Siraj says.

"This collaboration with OBOS is incredibly valuable for Unloc. We have a joint mission to to make the everyday easier for everyone with a door o their house. We plan to revolutionize how the world's keys are shared and used, says founder of Unloc, Kris Riise

Unloc 2
Unloc is a Norwegian proptech company that develops digital keys, for unlocking doors through an app. (Photo: Unloc)

Good for all

Digital keys can also boost efficiency in for example delivery services where customers order goods sent home. Digital keys canbe distributed to work for a limited time period for people who need to get in. The keys can be opened on your smart phone. Only people with personal invitations have access - whether it's cleaning personell, the newspaper boy, food delivery, or other people we trust.

Vi har et felles oppdrag om å gjøre hverdagen enklere for alle med en inngangsdør. Nå skal vi revolusjonere hvordan verdens nøkler deles og brukes.

Kris Riise – Daglig leder i Unloc

In the beginning, it will only be possible to use the digital keys on the outer door of the housing cooperatives, and not every single apartment door. This will happen in the next phase.

The digital keys are a supplement to the older keys, which can still be used.