OBOS and Entra developing the sustainable materials of the future

OBOS, Entra and Norsk Gjenvinning have launched the recycling concept Oppbruk, aiming to develop new building materials based on recycled concrete.

Published 28. November 2019
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"We are taking green responsibility. If society's to reach its climate golas, everyone has to carry their load", says Daniel Siraj, CEO at OBOS.

After 2020, the EU requires that 70 percent of construction materials be recycled. This can only be achieved if we develop new solutions for the handling of waste from the construction industry.

"Oppbruk is an attempt to find new solutions for using recycled wood and concrete", says Birgitte Molstad, who is the Director for Environmental Affairs in OBOS.

Concrete and wood waste is usually incinerated or deposited, rather than recycled. This is partly due to regulatory challenges, but also the lack of a market for recycled concrete and wood in new projects.

We can not afford to wait for the suppliers. Which is why we've initiated this project to stimulate the development of new, sustainable construction materials.

Daniel Siraj – CEO, OBOS

Entrepreneurs solving problems together

Alongside Norsk Gjenvinning, major entrepreneurs OBOS and Entra are now challenging the industry to produce construction materials based on recycling. They want to develop solutions with other entrepreneurs and are committing to use the materials in their own construction projects.

"We will take this green responsibility. We can not afford to wait for the suppliers. Which is why we've initiated this project to stimulate the development of new, sustainable construction materials.", Daniel Siraj says.

In 2020, Entra and OBOS will begin building projects amounting to between 200 000 and 400 000 square meters. These projects will use more recycled materials than in the past. By posing demands to architects, engineers and entrepreneurs, the initiators behind Oppbruk hope to create a market that is large and predictable enough to develop ned sustainable solutions.